Status page's JSON data via API

Each status page exposes an API endpoint that gives 2 datapoints in real time.

  "indicator": "up",
  "uptime": "99.967%"

You can access this endpoint by adding "/status.json" after the status page's URL.


Indicator endpoint

The "indicator" displays the real time top-level status of your status page.

Status and indicator rules

The top level status can have one of those 4 statuses and indicators, in order of priority:

  • maintenance: When at least one of the services is under maintenance. Indicator is set to: "maintenance".
  • incident: When at least (not every) one service is having a downtime or part of an incident. Indicator is set to: "incident".
  • outage: When every services are having a downtime or part of an incident. Indicator is set to: "outage".
  • up: When all services are up. Indicator is set to: "up".

Uptime endpoint

The "uptime" endpoint shows the average uptime across all services that have their "Show uptime" option enabled, for the past 90 days.