Learn how to implement a health check endpoint in your Next.js application to ensure uptime and get peace of mind.
Learn how to implement a health check endpoint in your Ruby on Rails application to ensure uptime and get peace of mind.
Many errors can prompt a page in any search engine. The most common ones are the 404 Not Found Error and the 404 Not Supported Error. Yeah, once in a while, you might encounter this notification; the request method 'post' is not supported.
As your customer base grows, your responsability to provide a functionning service at all time grows too.
The initial request will take slightly longer as it generates the certificate on the fly, for free using Let's Encrypt, and then will transparently redirect the user to its SSL protected status page!
Get the list of components and their statuses, uptime and average response time with human descriptions and indicators, and includes a top-level status to programmatically embed it anywhere.
In this example, you would like to monitor your competitor's headline. To do so, visit its site and pick the piece of content you would like to monitor for changes: