Automate Performance and Reliability Testing

Use Puppeteer & Playwright to periodically perform end-2-end monitoring.

1 free status page
5 free monitors
14-day trial for advanced features
No credit card required
Trusted by 270+ fast-growing startups & DevOps teams

Trusted by companies of all sizes and industries

Browser checks

Monitor your websites with a real Chrome browser.

Use the popular open-source browser automation Node.js frameworks, Puppeteer & Playwright. Automate all your E2E scenarios, keep logs for each runtime and get instant alerts when things break.

Use popular browsers

“Hyperping gives our users peace of mind when it comes to uptime. With realtime data built right in we can make sure we're delivering a fantastic experience across our whole platform.”

Jarratt Isted
Co-Founder, HelpDocs

Browser check features

Run Puppeteer & Playwright


Environment variables


Logs of each runtime

Fast intervals

Worldwide coverage

Built-in status page service

Learn more
Status page

Keep your users in the loop.

Notify your users when you publish incident updates and maintenance status messages.

Use our built-in monitoring to update your services status in real time. No more breaking third-part integrations.

“We picked Hyperping to bring a high quality incidents and status reporting dashboard to our users. It took us 30 minutes to setup, and it covered everything you want for a SaaS business.”

Pierre Renaudin
CTO, Slite

Status page features

Protected status pages

Setup internal status pages and protect them with a password.

SSL (HTTPS) Custom Domain

Every status page on Hyperping gets HTTPS with custom subdomain.

Share incident updates

Display the latest update about an incident or an upcoming maintenance on your status page.

Built-in monitoring

Use our built-in monitoring to measure the uptime, to get instant alerts, and to update your status page in real time.

Grouped services

Group relevant services together to keep your status page clean.

Manual Components

Create components that aren't monitors to be added to your status page, then manually update their statuses.

Subscribers Notifications

Send notifications to your status page subscribers everytime you publish updates about incidents or a maintenance.

White labeling

Personalize your status pages and utilize your own email address for sending updates.

Connect your tools


Keep things simple


Hosted status pages$99/mo



Uptime monitoring — 3 users$91/mo



Built-in Uptime Monitoring
Hosted & Branded Status Pages
You + 5 Teammates
Scheduled Maintenance
Elegant User Interfaces


*Assuming 30 monitors and 3 users. Plans start at $29/mo.